Trying to decide what type of cleaning service you need for your home? Whether you book a clean with Clean Arrival or just browsing your options you should defiantly figure out the difference between the standard options you have when selecting a service. Most companies in the area offer at least two different options for service types, these are usually referred to as Deep Cleans and Standard (Maintenance) Cleans. Often both cleans entail tackling the same areas of the house just at different levels.
What reasons should you book a clean?
Deep Cleans: Moving out of a home, Spring/Winter Cleaning, Staging a home for sale, Before or after a party, General renewal of a space
Standard Cleans: General household maintenance, Regular upkeep, Simplify your lifestyle, Moving into a home that was relatively well maintained
What’s actually cleaned and how is each service different?
Each cleaning company may be a bit different depending on how they structure their business, but listed below are the tasks we complete during each type of cleaning service to give you a general idea of what you can expect as you search for the right company for you.
- BOTH: Countertops scrubbed and dusted
- BOTH: Top of fridge dusted
- BOTH: Stainless steel polished
- BOTH: Exterior of fridge cleaned
- BOTH: Exterior of dishwasher cleaned
- BOTH: Interior and exterior of microwave cleaned
- BOTH: Surfaces and small appliances dusted
- STANDARD: Front of cabinets spot wiped cleaned DEEP: Front of cabinets cleaned and hardware shined
- STANDARD: Stovetop cleaned, including drip pans DEEP: Stovetop & drip pans cleaned and underneath stove top cleaned if top lifts
- STANDARD: Hood vent dusted and cleaned DEEP: Thorough removal of grease & cleaning of exterior vent filter
- STANDARD: Backsplash scrubbed DEEP: Grout scrubbed
- STANDARD: Sinks scrubbed and cleaned DEEP: Sink cleaned & drain scrubbed if accessible
- STANDARD: Floors vacuumed, swept, and mopped DEEP: Carpets edged with vacuum
- DEEP: Scuff marks removed from molding, door frames, window sills and cabinets
- BOTH: Mirror and vanity dusted and cleaned
- BOTH: Window sills and blinds dusted
- BOTH: Towels folded & Straightened
- STANDARD: Sink thoroughly cleaned DEEP: Thorough sink clean & cleaning of drain if accessible
- STANDARD: Fixtures cleaned DEEP: Thorough removal of limescale & polish of fixtures
- STANDARD: Shower doors and glass cleaned DEEP: Extra attention to limescale
- STANDARD: Shower tile cleaned DEEP: Extra attention to limescale
- STANDARD: Grout spot cleaned DEEP: Thorough scrub of grout
- Bathtub scrubbed and dusted
- STANDARD: Toilets scrubbed top to bottom DEEP: Hardwater staining removed if possible
- STANDARD: Floors vacuumed, swept, and mopped DEEP: Carpets edged if there
- STANDARD: Cabinet doors spot cleaned DEEP: Cabinet doors cleaned & hardware polished
Bedrooms, Livingrooms, & Hallways
- BOTH: Beds and pillows straightened
- BOTH: Flat surfaces dusted
- BOTH: Cobwebs removed
- STANDARD: General dusting of accessible surfaces DEEP: Individual trinkets/knickknacks dusted as well as hidden surfaces
- STANDARD: Window sills and blinds dusted DEEP: Sills dusted & scuff marks removed
- STANDARD: Chair rails and molding dusted DEEP: Molding dusted & scuff marks removed
- STANDARD: Doors and door frames spot cleaned DEEP: Frames dusted and scuff marks removed
- STANDARD: Stairs, vacuumed, swept, and hand wiped DEEP: Molding cleaned & scuff marks removed
- STANDARD: Floors vacuumed, swept, and mopped DEEP: Carpet edged with vacuum
- STANDARD: Wastebaskets emptied DEEP: Wastebaskets emptied and scrubbed
- DEEP CLEAN: Ceiling fans dusted
- DEEP CLEAN: Vents dusted
- DEEP CLEAN: Light switched & outlets wiped off
- DEEP CLEAN: Baseboards dusted & Scuff marks removed
- DEEP CLEAN: Scuff marks removed from walls
* Our flat-rate pricing assumes that your home is of average size for the number of beds and baths you have selected and meets a reasonable level of cleanliness. If the rooms are large than average or dirtier than average our staff may require more time to complete the service requested or may have to reduce their scope of work. If the home is not found to be in “Average” condition or size and takes more than an extra 1 hour to clean we reserve the right to adjust pricing if the client wishes us to continue. The longer we live in our homes, the more wear and tear builds up in them. Baseboards, the bottom of showers and tubs, mold/mildew, excessive water spots and soap scum on glass shower doors, worn flooring, grout, window tracks, etc. are all areas where wear and tear will impact results. Although we are professionals, we are not miracle workers. Sometimes we are called in too late to correct damage that is already done, these areas may take more than one cleaning to improve in appearance or may not come clean at all.
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